The times are not changing

I didn’t bother with the video this time because it goes for more than an hour. Talk about being unable to keep her mouth shut!

With the content it was all links – all of them unreliable;

1. We all know William Thompson is being misrepresented thanks to Brian Hooker’s editing.
2. Thorsen’s work is fine – his issues are totally separate.
3. The case involving Merck has not been decided on.
4. The ingredients of a vaccine are irrelevant – it’s a compound.
5. People keep getting the mumps because herd immunity is not present.
6. is one of the many fake news/conspiracy websites.

The person who should be repenting, Taylor, is you.

I am the true watchman

It looks like Taylor might be back to full boil. In this entry she quotes from that history book (you know, that bible thing) and promptly misuses it!

For those who are interested, it’s Ezekiel 33:1-6. It speaks of a watchman who has a trumpet to warn the community of an oncoming assailant with a sword, and the consequences of either the community ignoring the trumpet, or the watchman ignoring the sword wielder. Common sense advice, but if Taylor thinks she’s in the role of the watchman she is out of her tiny mind! She’s the bloody idiot with the sword – sub preventable disease. I’m the watchman – well one of them – and my warning is simple. This witch is going to get your child sick, and maybe you as well (see the flu!) and not give a crap!

Then she tries to further it by providing a letter for everyone to use to win a vaccine safety argument. Well it’s a loser. Here is the list of lies and misrepresentations;

1. “Safety and efficacy claims for vaccines have become wildly overstated” – That’s bullshit, because the rate of real and proven vaccine injuries is way too low!
2. “There is no legal way for members of the public to legally challenge those false claims” – Oh yes you can! All it takes is to take a facility to court for pressing vaccines as compulsory and make said claims a part of the cause of action. The Vaccine Court ONLY deals with claims of injury.
3. “Vaccines are legally classified as “Unavoidably unsafe”, which means that they cannot be made safe for their intended use” – There has been NO SUCH CLASSIFICATION! She’s talking about the Brusiewitz case and no such ruling was made in that.
4. “It is recognised by all government agencies and vaccine makers that vaccines cause neurological damage, autoimmune diseases, chronic illness, disability and death” – Bullshit again! That’s a reference to the vaccine inserts which is NOT a recognition of that, but rather a compulsory legal statement forced by LIES being told by random rubbish reports to VAERS.
5. “I consider it my duty, as a vaccine injury parent, to warn you” – You are NOT a vaccine injury parent, Taylor! You are the parent of an Autistic! It is your duty to SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!
6. “The public safety claims made for these products <snip> are not in line with <see point 5>” – As already said that is bullshit!
7. “Their false claims, including the claim that vaccines have no association with Autism, <snip>” – I am getting truly sick of this hate speech! 121 studies prove you wrong, Taylor, and your stupid list is unreliable to the extreme!

That letter should form part of my legal work against her. She will get hers. This letter is not a warning from a watchman. It’s a sword wielder seeking to trick to community to allow the sword (AKA preventable disease) in. I am the true watchman and I see the sword coming – and I’m blowing my whistle on it because I don’t own a trumpet!

Truth telling my rear end!!

The ninth and last entry was another video which I just couldn’t follow because of too much background noise. I’ll just assume that was more fo the same lies and leave it at that.

After all that I think I need to hurry up on my legal stuff. Taylor is on the AV Name Check and I think it’s about time she saw my name. And she ain’t going to like it because I will be her worst enemy, calling her out for what she is. A lying inciter of child neglect.

Lying about vaccines again!

The eighth entry is a video from Shelley Hendricks telling a story of who she was told back in 2009 that she couldn’t dump a vial of the flu vaccine on the concrete outside HHS headquarters in Washington DC. Taylor claimed in the video that this proved that vaccines weren’t safe. Oh really? ANY medicine no matter what it contains can’t just be dumped, you goose!! It needs to be disposed of correctly!!

That’s all I need to say about that!!

Conspiracy Theories around Weinstein?

The seventh entry takes conspiracy to a new level! Trying to put it over that all the stories over that criminal deviant are part of a conspiracy to shut him off from a new documentary by Robert De Niro! What next?

Taylor focuses on an article rightly tearing Weinstein apart by Ronan Farrow in the New Yorker. She then informs us that Ronan is biased because of a background of family sexual abuse (Ronan is the brother of Dylan Farrow – adopted daughter of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen). SO?? They’re the best informed to speak on the truth, Taylor! Besides that, Taylor I think is siding with Woody Allen over the denial of Dylan’s claims – so in effect she is also calling all the women who have spoken out against Weinstein liars as well!!


Whilst it’s true that Allen was never tried, questions remain unanswered due to a biased investigation in favour of him that the court recognised but didn’t have enough to follow up on. Taylor ignores that, and also ignores irrefutable evidence against Weinstein.

Enough said!!

Del Bigtree’s rubbish

The sixth entry links to a website called “I can decide” and a 37 page load of tripe that is so bad in terms of the vaccine issue that it requires a full scale general response on the All About Anti Vaxxers blog. Questions were asked in the letter, signed by Del Bigtree (and taking up 19 pages of the 37), and I will be answering them there. This tripe – as Taylor has requested it should be spread far and wide – should be burned, shredded and everything else besides!

The website is Bigtree’s pet project obviously. Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN). It’s keyline is “ICAN is actively pursuing several avenues to improve the health and wellbeing of our population by exposing shortcomings with our vaccine program.”

The only shortcomings, idiot, are the Vaccine Court giving out money on a possibility rather than the definitive, and said court protecting doctors who step outside recommendations when they should be punished! Case in point – that idiot doctor who gave Hannah Poling nine jabs on the one visit when she was Autistic and suffered a sensory overload! Taylor isn’t about that any more than Bigtree is, as her fraudulent claims of fraud against Maine Health back in April are a testament to!

Video series with hate speech

The fourth entry announced a new venture by Taylor – a video series on “Vaxxed World”, to continue to “Corruption, Vaccination, Health, Current Events, Community, God, Brokenness, and Whatever It Is That I Want To Say” to use her words.

In other words it will be lies, lies, no health, fake news, herself, a non existent diety, brain damage and more lies. All covered by one term – hate speech. Because that what utters. Hate speech – like it or not. I also noted a Vaxxed event in Atlanta on November 11 (CDC HQ’s location) which she will be attending. It’s a shame I can’t send anyone there to confront her about her lies, and everyone else on top of that who believes this junk. It will be a hotbed of quackery that needs to be silenced for the sake of the Autistic community’s health.

Taylor fears reality

The third entry referenced a video where at the beginning Thomas Price (the now former head of the HHS in America, sort of like our Federal Health Minister) got the new meningacoccal vaccine right there. Good for him! Taylor is on video in this entry – live video on Facebook.

1. She mentions the Price firing (actually he quit before he was pushed but anyway) as a penalty for not following through on his mantra for informed consent – when in fact informed consent already exists.
2. She accuses William Shaffner of not practising what he preaches, where he stated that vaccines need to be insisted upon and then at the end of the video he recommended it. That’s a cheap shot. Taylor also lied about the question and also the answer. It was about WHY is the uptake different in some states, and the focus was on the states and not the actual uptake. Now vaccines in the US are a state responsbility and you can’t keep track of each state like you can in Australia.
3. She mentions HRes 327 – a Congress resolution about vaccines back in May, and Taylor claims that this resolution is against the law. What law? This is about this ridiculous notion that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe and Taylor complains that Congress had already resolved that it was unsafe! BULLSHIT! Prove it! By your own admission, Taylor, resolutions are NOT law!
4. I’ll leave the Las Vegas part alone except for the following comment.

There’s a core reality here. Taylor talks about dehumanising people before committing a criminal act (ie Las Vegas). She is in fact dehumanising people when she rails against vaccines because it’s our only protection. Price did the right thing. Shaffner has the right idea. Congress is on the ball. These are real. Taylor is outside of this and fears it. That’s real as well. It’s damn real!

Taylor’s comprehension issue

The second entry is about the American Academy of Pediatrics allegedly no longer stating that vaccines don’t cause Autism. Taylor quotes a section from the Healthy Children website and is clearly delighted about the acknowledgement of questions being asked. She even focuses on the following sentences;

These studies do not show any link between autism and MMR vaccine, thimerosal, multiple vaccines given at once, fevers or seizures. This is not an exhaustive list- vaccine safety studies are constantly being conducted and published and may not be reflected here.

Taylor sees this as an admission that her list is valid and runs with it as the explanation for the second sentence. You wish, Taylor! Vaccines are being updated as new discoveries are made (for example in Australia there are now nine strains of meningacoccal disesase that have vaccines up from four). Of course, Taylor then links to her stupid list, which we all know is a load of codswhallop that badly needs to be debunked directly and in full. She also has a swipe at the AAP using studies from Poul Thorsen, Frank DeStefano, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsop, William Thompson, Kreeston Madsen and Coleen Boyle when according to her (and Age of Autism and other unreliable fake news sources) they are frauds. Now while Thorsen has some questions to answer they have nothing to do with his work. His issue is a separate matter entirely. The others, except for Madsen, were all involved in the study that was withdrawn as inaccurate – the one that Brian Hooker jumped on Thompson over.

So the AAP just changed the wording. The message hasn’t changed. Vaccines do not cause Autism. And Taylor gets an F for comprehension.