Meet the conspiracy bimbo

One thing Taylor will do in a heartbeat – smear people’s names using conspiracy cow manure. Her latest target is Frank DeStefano, the director of the Immunisation Safety Office at the CDC in the US. She went off the deep end upon the umpeenth statement from a politician affirming that the benefits of vaccines outweigh the risks (Taylor is demanding the data when it’s publicly available for crying out loud!) and then another wanting to know how so many professionals could be in on the one “conspiracy”. Taylor decides to go down the path of accusing them of lacking critical thinking, when she herself is a massive fail in this area! Trying to put down DeStefano and failing in that process just proves it.

For a start, she points firstly to the CDC page that states correctly that vaccines don’t cause Autism. But then she goes to a quote from an interview DeStefano did with well known anti vaccine reporter Sharyl Attkisson claiming it to be an admission in effect that the page on the CDC website is wrong. It’s not! It was a cherry picked quote taken out of context for convenience. The quote was;

“I guess, that, that is a possibility. It’s hard to predict who those children might be, but certainly, individual cases can be studied to look at those possibilities..”

A possibility that is YET TO BE PROVEN! Key point and Taylor and indeed Attkisson totally missed it! I’ve already said in the past that if there is an issue, it’s with regression and not causation. That is what DeStefano would have been referring to. Case in point – Hannah Poling. She had a regression but she was already Autistic!

Taylor then tries to use as proof the bunked Verstraeten study which has DeStefano’s name on it. That means nothing. Case in point – John Walker. His name was on the Wakefield study and was punished for it, but his punishment alone was overturned because he had nothing to do with the actual study which we all know was fraudulent. DeStefano would have been in the same position – so no smoking gun.

Taylor then outrightly accuses DeStefano of lying. No, Taylor, YOU are lying! Case in point – invoking William Thompson! It is well known that the studies that were claimed to have been hidden were bunked studies of no value. So they were stored away. Honestly they should be destroyed, and if anything came of Thompson’s comment it may well have been that view – and Brian Hooker took him out of context.

Finally, Taylor calls DeStefano as being in total control of vaccine policy in the US. That’s rubbish. The person in control of that right now is the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the US (AKA the Health Minister to invoke the Australian counterpart) and that’s Alex Azar. And even he isn’t in charge because he has a boss – and that’s the President of the USA. And anyway – other countries have the same policies in place, and not because the US do it. It’s because other countries are capable of making their own decisions, and this includes Australia!

Bottom line – Taylor claims that politicians are protecting DeStefano. There is no conspiracy. Vaccines don’t cause Autism. Autism is genetic. The comparison to the Catholic church protecting child molesting priests is offensive and undermines the hurt suffered by the victims. The cover up there was achieved through small numbers and much stronger protections that are being whittled down. There are way more medical professionals than there are Catholic priests. WAY more! But of course this conspiracy bimbo refuses to see that. I can’t wait to finally get my legal documents off the ground and put this inciter of child neglect to the fire of the real truth. She won’t like being burnt, and she can lump it!

Bunny Holding BS!

Oh here we go – Taylor put up a tweet that she borrowed from somewhere trying to spread her lying message. It’s a text stunt which I have recreated at the foot of this entry with the words changed. Taylor predictably put “Vaccines cause Autism” in all capital letters. She wanted everyone who saw it to ask questions. Funny thing – there were a monster number of replies (around 3500) and almost all of the early ones I read were having a crack at her! And rightly so! In the blog entry I’m responding to, Taylor took eleven comments and responded to them;

1. “Wrong… lies. Where’s your proof?”

This one in various forms popped up a lot and rightly so. Predictably, Taylor shoots back with her useless Scribd list. The reason why this list is rubbish is because it covers four categories;

a. The studies were compiled/written by proven quacks (examples: Lucinda Tomljenovic, Christopher Shaw, Jon Poling, Mark Blaxill, Boyd Haley, Mark and David Geier)
b. The study was about Autism and had nothing to do with vaccines
c. The study was about vaccines and had nothing to do with Autism
d. The reference wasn’t even a study but rather an article and/or an opinion piece

2. “Well 150,000 prove they don’t.”

Taylor responds to this stating that there are no studies that prove that vaccines don’t cause Autism. WRONG!

Taylor also mentions the American Academy of Pediatrics “no longer claiming vaccines don’t cause Autism” – something I already proved wrong in October last year when she first mentioned it.

3. “So you would rather your child have polio than have autism?”

Taylor tries to deflect here claiming that she isn’t against vaccines at all and makes no recommendations. She doesn’t have to! Her anti vax rhetoric has only one result! No vaccines! She constantly says it’s a corrupt product remember? The fact that her children are all vaccinated is irrelevant!

4. “Then what is your point?”

Taylor responded by talking about informed consent – which we already have without your nonsense!! The implementation of the UN Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights is therefore irrelevant!

5. “Yes you ARE anti-vaccine!”

Absolutely right – and Taylor tries to use the Vaccine Court as proof that she isn’t when it is an unreliable source here! I already proved she is before.

6. “Did you know that this theory was caused by ONE dude in I believe Europe who made this claim with no scientific evidence. And to this day there is no evidenced them being linked?”

Taylor tries to invoke her last blog entry about how Wakefield wasn’t the first – and failed to give anything other than that.

7. “But I know someone who has autism and was never vaccinated, so you fail!”

Taylor tries to claim that vaccines are just one cause of several environmental issues but still goes the medical route except with contaminants in food, air and water. It’s all rubbish. Autism predates all those factors. It is genetic.

8. “But I got all the vaccines and am not autistic.”

Taylor fails in reply here. Whilst I would be stupid to say there has never been any adverse reaction at all, there has never been a reaction called Autism. Never. If everyone read the inserts they wouldn’t vaccinate at all. The inserts are not medical statements. They are legal statements with no medical value, and in America have been compromised.

9. “Well then why don’t you just shut up and sue them?”

Taylor acknowledges this as a good question, but her answer was rubbish. You don’t sue the pharmaceutical company (which is prohibited by the diversion to the Vaccine Court). You sue the government directly for that action.

10. “You are not a good person.”

Taylor actually admitted she had no comeback here, except a quote from the bible that was not remotely relevant!

11. “[beep!] you.”

Taylor noted this as “contempt” and flicked it off. It was warranted. And so is this;

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Vaccine induced Autism is a myth!

Awhile back I noticed that Taylor had added Leo Kanner’s original Autism paper from 1943 to her Scribd batch of so called studies that prove that vaccines cause Autism. I knew then that she was at best making a mountain out of a molehill – and at worst lying her stupid britches off!

But now she’s repeating the dose by stating first of all that the issue wasn’t started by Andrew Wakefield’s junk study that was published in the Lancet. Like it or not, it was the core of the current BS! It’s the core of that filthy piece of celluloid Vaxxed after all. Only now is Taylor trying to increase the view of her translation of the 1943 paper!

She notes;

“Case 3. Richard M. was referred to the Johns Hopkins Hospital on February 5, 1941, at 3 years, 3 months of age, with the complaint of deafness because he did not talk and did not respond to questions.”
“Following smallpox vaccination at 12 months, he had an attack of diarrhea and fever, from which he recovered in somewhat less than a week.”
“In September, 1940, the mother, in commenting on Richard’s failure to talk, remarked in her notes: I can’t be sure just when he stopped the imitation of words sounds. It seems that he has gone backward mentally gradually for the last two years.”

This is not proof that the smallpox vaccine did anything. It was a mother making an unrelated statement, and Taylor made the connection that DOESN’T EXIST!! It was a paranoid pick up with no foundation whatsoever!

Taylor then goes to a study from 1976 – again trying to pre-empt Wakefield – by someone in Germany;

“3-4 weeks following an otherwise uncomplicated first vaccination against smallpox a boy, then aged 15 months and last seen at the age of 5 1/2 years, gradually developed a complete Kanner syndrome. The question whether vaccination and early infantile autism might be connected is being discussed. A causal relationship is considered extremely unlikely. But vaccination is recognized as having a starter function for the onset of autism.”

The only valid explanation for that last sentence is that the vaccine was administered incorrectly, and caused a sensory overload in a person who was already Autistic. That’s why it went nowhere.

In 1989, Taylor gave an anecdote with no back up about her being at George Mason University and noted that a professor there made the vaccine connection. That university is in Virginia and I doubt she was anywhere near that state for any length of time – so I call BS.

Finally in 1991, Taylor references a Harvard study which she simply picked up an excerpt which included the following remark;

The relation of pertussis vaccines to a number of serious adverse events, including encephalopathy and other central nervous system disorders, sudden infant death syndrome, autism, Guillain-Barre syndrome, learning disabilities, and Reye syndrome.

And yet in the section speaking about Autism, what is the conclusion?

There is no evidence to indicate a causal relation between DPT vaccine or the pertussis component of DPT vaccine and autism.

Learn to actually read the reports you are linking, Taylor! She finished with this piece of rubbish;

He did what Kanner did in 1943. Took patient histories, and including parental reports in a paper.

He (Wakefield) never examined one subject of his paper. Kanner did. Wakefield never had anything to work from otherwise. Kanner did – Georg Frankl’s work in Vienna. And Kanner never engaged in any fraudulent conduct in the writing of his paper. Wakefield did.

You are engaging in blatant hate speech against Autism, Taylor, and you will pay the price for it if I have anything to do with it!

And that’s all I got to say about THAT!!

Trying to compromise journalistic integrity

Taylor is trying to introduce bias to the new regime at the Los Angeles Times by writing to the new owner and other people wanting vaccine issues to be reported “honestly”.

It IS being reported honestly, you stupid bitch! How dare you try and create bias in a newspaper with the circulation of the LA Times!! California has SB277 and the LA Times has presumably written about it honestly. Back in 2009 Taylor attacked the paper and she was wrong then as she is now.

She pounced on the fact that the new owner is declaring war on “fake news”, and assumed that it was in the same context as that idiot Donald Trump. She didn’t read the story she linked (surprise, surprise) because it specifically mentioned the source of genuine fake news (yes I know, that’s an oxymoron) – social media. Anti science abounds there and the new owner, Patrick Soon-Shiong, would know it. So I’m hoping that this letter that Taylor has sent will be thrown in the bin as it should be, and for that reason I won’t be sending a counter email. But it just goes to show how low that witch will go – trying to point a newspaper in the wrong direction on science. She should have contacted the National Enquirer! Nuff said!

The false confession

It drives me mad every time anti vaxxers lie about the ingredients of vaccines.

And yet here’s Taylor “confessing” that she hid information that was already a well known lie. The ingredients include aborted foetal cells.

All the apologies in the world won’t change the fact that she is lying – as usual. It is well known that the ingredient list is meaningless anyway. But there is no proof that there are any such cells in vaccines. Taylor is clutching at straws and should withdraw her apology immediately. She was right to say nothing – because it’s not true.

Taylor is interfering in vaccine safety!

As before I’m not watching Taylor’s videos. But the title of the entry I’m responding to and a link I read was plain as day!

Taylor is promoting a piece of state legislation in Maine called the Maine Vaccine Consumer Protection Act – which she drafted herself. Now I’m pretty sure this would contradict the powers of the Vaccine Court and the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which I don’t think you can do and the Supreme Court could strike it out. Not to mention Taylor blatantly lying in the attached submission!

This legislation was introduced in 2015, and is law for crying out loud! The Governor of Maine, Paul Le Page, tried to veto it but the legislature has the state Constitutional power to over rule such a veto as long as it’s a two thirds majority. What is somewhat confusing is that it was back in the legislature in April this year.

Previously – and this is the big issue – Maine tried to enact legislation similar to that of California’s SB277. Taylor rallied the troops and each of them promoted their children as vaccine injured, despite (I’ll bet) being rejected fairly by the Vaccine Court. And yet they still promoted their children as vaccine injured. Obviously the Maine legislature was and is weak at present.

There’s not a lot I can do from here, except try and speed up my legal action forthwith against the anti vaxxers starting with Taylor. This needs to be at the forefront. She is interfering in vaccine safety and creating the very issues she blames on the Immunisation Program. It’s not broken. You are a liar, Taylor! A blatant liar, child neglector and inciter of child neglect. Maybe I can encourage some quarters to expose Taylor as all that, but I need a contact there.

Is Alex Azar a good replacement as HHS secretary?

Taylor has rejected the suggestion that Alex Azar would make a good replacement for former US HHS secretary Tom Price. She listed Azar’s qualifications thus;

– Former chief lobbyist and President of the US division of drug company Eli Lilly, which was the primary manufacturer of thimerosal
– Prior to employment at Eli Lilly, under George W. Bush, Azar was general counsel and later deputy secretary of HHS at the time the decision was made to give an expedited efficacy and safety review to Gardasil,
– As the lead attorney for HHS, Azar participated in the Autism Omnibus Proceeding that denied more than 5000 claims of vaccine injury
– While the head of Eli Lily in the US, Azar was also on the board of directors of the Biotechnology Innovation Association, a trade and lobbying association for manufacturers of biological products including drugs, vaccines and GMOs.
– Dude Who Tripled Price of Insulin Nominated to Regulate Price of Insulin.

1. Eli Lilly again? Come on, that’s as tired as anything. Get some new material!
2. Gardasil works and is one of the best recent vaccines – and an Australian discovered it by the way!
3. The Autism Omnibus failed because the test cases failed! They couldn’t even pass the Vaccine Court’s ridiculous evidence rules, which says anyone could have run it and the result would have been exactly the same!
4. Oh big whoop! One director. Making a mountain out of a molehill!
5. Who tripled the price of insulin? Not a person, Taylor, you liar! The manufacturers did that in response to increased regulation as a protest!

Another web search – What Taylor doesn’t say was that Azar was onto the anthrax scare like a shot in the wake of 9-11 and also pressed for the smallpox vaccine (smallpox was also mentioned in the same breath as anthrax). He also dealt with the SARS outbreak and the flu scares of the time when he was Deputy Secretary, as well as encouraging worldwide pharmaceutical and medical device innovation.

On the other hand he hates Obamacare!

So my answer is no – he would make a poor HHS secretary. But he’s a Republican and that lot hate Obamacare lock stock and barrel. At least he support vaccines.

Making up rubbish about the British Medical Journal

Taylor seems to be concentrating on videos now and just chucking around links. After the videos I looked at during her mad half hour last month I’m not bothering with that.

But some of the claims put appears to claim that the British Medical Journal told the world that Brian Deer lied about Andrew Wakefield! The link said no such thing – which goes to Taylor’s inability to read, or cherry picking comments. Either way she’s wrong. She’s also wrong when she claims that the BMJ is the same as the American Academy of Paediatrics! What is that? The AAP equivalent in the UK doesn’t exist actually! She’s got no idea!

That link she claims is the excuse to link that stupid film “The Pathological Optimist” and to have a crack at the AAP in the name of the BMJ. Here are her points;

• Industry funded non-profit organizations are an important provider of vaccine related information for the public and health professionals
• CDC also funds advocacy groups that campaign for influenza vaccination mandates for healthcare workers and for the removal of non-medical philosophical and religious exemptions for families of schoolchildren
• The complex public-private funding of vaccine advocacy groups lacks sufficient transparency and raises questions about whether such sources can independently assess official vaccination policy
The gist:
– Vaccine compulsion have always been controversial.
– They promote themselves as sources of reliable information on vaccines, but hey also receive funding from both vaccine manufacturers and the CDC.
– Education or lobbying? Officially, the CDC is neutral on vaccine mandates, 14 and the agency steers clear of directly influencing state law, telling The BMJ: “CDC’s policy is to not take positions on state-specific legislation.”
BMJ asked IAC, AAP, ECBT and CDC to disclose the money going from CDC and Pharma to these “independent” orgs!
– Mintzes told The BMJ that “these groups are so strongly pro-vaccination that the public is getting a one sided message that all vaccines are created equal and vaccination is an important public health strategy, regardless of the circumstances.

1. The first one is classic conspiracy junk. There’s nothing wrong that.
2. The second one is also not an issue – of course Taylor sees that as forcing a vaccine that shouldn’t be. You need the flu vaccine, Taylor!
3. The third one assumes again that there is something going on behind the scenes. I’ll tell you what’s going on, Taylor! RESEARCH!!
4. The first gist point is true, but Taylor obviously sees that as indicative of one problem when in fact it’s indicative of another entirely.
5. The second gist point is more conspiracy junk – where’s the proof that the CDC is not doing it’s job huh? And I mean from a reliable source!
6. The third gist point is more of the same, claiming in effect that it proves that they support the states being in charge. The reality is that it’s the jurisdiction of the states in the US. Having said that the CDC does need to advise the states not to mandate the schedule like a rock.
7. The BMJ did no such thing because that’s a privacy violation and the BMJ would have known that as well!
8. The last gist point is rot. Who is this Mintzes person anyway?

I went on a web search – Mintzes is Barbara Mintzes, an Australian for crying out loud. I’m actually surprised that Taylor didn’t print the rest of what she said;

This is as unhelpful as an ‘anti-vaxxer’ approach that assumes all vaccinations are harmful. Reality is a little different: some vaccines are enormously important to public health; others are marginal at best and likely best avoided.

Which ones fall into that latter category?? None that have been approved by the TGA! Mintzes is a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney specialising in “conflicts of interest” but with no medical qualifications! She’s now in some serious trouble for undermining vaccine efficacy if I have anything to do with it!

That’ll do for this entry. The BMJ is being misrepresented by Taylor something chronic.

More clutching at straws

Taylor is at it again.

After her disgusting conspiracy theory that Harvey Weinstein was outed when he was because he was talking to Robert De Niro about another Anti Vax doco, Taylor is now attacking our side by claiming a connection of a positive nature as opposed to negative with Ian Lipkin being charged with gender discrimination against Mady Hornig. Lipkin was noted in the Wall Street Journal as a definitive hater of the anti vax movement stating that De Niro did the right thing pulling Vaxxed from Tribeca – a factor that would make him a natural enemy of Taylor. So Hornig’s lawsuit is music to Taylor’s ears and the gender angle was jumped on as well.

Lipkin made it clear that he was innocent of the charges and the university where they work (who was also sued) is staying silent for now, but I would suggest they would side with Lipkin as well.

What really ticks Taylor off was the claim that Lipkin was taking funds away from Autism research, adding a quote from Hornig that indicated that Lipkin was intentionally hiding data that at a minimum questioned the genetic base of Autism – another factor that would have Taylor doing war whoops.

What she doesn’t realise is that it comes from this gut research – which isn’t a barrier to the genetic connection. In fact it would be proof of a genetic base if there was anything to it. I doubt that because I for one haven’t had these gastro-intestinal issues. At worst there was one incident in late 1984 involving my intestine – not my gut AKA stomach – and that’s it. I firmly believe it’s a diet issue related to serious taste issues causing sensory overload in the low functioning – way worse than any diet issue I have (and I do).

So Taylor is clutching at straws, hoping like mad that Hornig has a case so that a perceived enemy can be thrown out of his work. I hope it fails and that it’s Hornig that is kicked to the curb, especially if she is a supporter of that poor environmental line re the origins of Autism.

Premature celebration

Ginger Taylor is claiming victory when it was announced that the Science Blogs website will be shutting down at the end of October.

It’s still there but it’s in read only mode. This is because those who have blogs hosted there need the time to transfer their blogs to a new host. Orac AKA David Gorski for instance is moving Respectful Insolence to it’s own server at The others are doing the same thing.

Taylor tried to play down the celebration – but she can’t. She clearly sees this as a win for her. It’s not. The move has nothing to do with any pressure on the site from these nutcases – except maybe the number of entries required just overloaded the server. It’s about time Taylor was overloaded, because she needs to pull her head in.